When I was 13 years old and curious about sex and love, I asked my mom if she had had sex before marrying my father (of whom she is still married to, and has been since before I was born). She said that that wasn’t really a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question. I said ‘sure it is, you’ve either had sex before him, or you haven’t’. She brought me onto the couch and sat me down and told me about the boy she liked when she was young and how one night she snuck into his house while his parents were gone and they were kissing and he said they should have sex and she said that she wanted to save sex for marriage and he laughed and basically took all her clothes off and he raped her and as my mom was telling the story she cried and this was the second time I had ever seen my mom cry. She was 12 when it happened.
In grade 8 I got a call from my friend in the middle of the night and she was drunk in the park crying and told me that she went out that night with some other friends and they drank a little and her guy “friend” starting flirting and yes she laughed at first but then he tried to pull her shirt over her head and she pulled away and he ripped her shirt and it was her favourite shirt and then he pushed her to her knees and HIS BEST FRIEND HELD HER JAW OPEN WHILE HE FACE FUCKED HER. And so I went to the park and picked her up and took her home and slept in her bed with her except we didn’t sleep because she just cried and her mouth bled and this was four years ago but I still have to be the one to bring her items to the till it the cashier is a man, and she still has anxiety attacks and she’ll get a rash all over her body and I just want to kill those boys but instead they are still walking around. And I’m in the bathroom with her, dabbing at her skin with a warm cloth until it returns to its regular colour.
And in grade 9 one of my closest friends was kinda seeing this boy and so they hung out one night and then she said that she really had to be getting back home and he said that she wasn’t going anywhere until she gave him what he wanted and he parked the car and took off her clothes and she said no and he ignored her and so she laid in the backseat totally limp and just cried and it wasn’t even sex, he just masterbated by using her body instead of his hand and she came to school the next day with vodka in her water bottle and she drank all day and I had to fight her to get the alcohol away from her and she just cried and threw up and I skipped class while I held her hair back and that same boy texted me a month later, asking if I ever wanted to hangout sometime.
And in that same year my very best friend who has never even kissed a boy, confessed to me that when she was 9 years old, her 12 year old cousin made her give him a hand job and he told her that was what cousins do and he gave her a chocolate bar afterwards and she told me that he probably doesn’t even remember it but that it’s something that she’ll never have the luxury of forgetting.
And in grade 10 I knew a girl who invited her best friend over to watch Disney movies and then he started to put his hands down her pants and she said no but she is 130lbs and he is 220lbs and he called her a tease while she tried to fight him but he used one hand to hold her down, and the other to put inside of her and i was the one to push her inside of a classroom and stand in front of her while calling the police when he showed up at our school looking for her and she was so damn scared.
And a few months later I skipped class and was in the car with a guy who i had had unprotected sex with in the past while under the influence of cocaine but this time I was sober and I insisted we use a condom but he told me he couldn’t feel anything while the condom was on so he ripped it off and I said I refused to have unprotected sex again and so he just grabbed me and forced himself into my mouth and I was crying and he pulled me onto him and I just came saying “stop” over and over like a broken record but he must’ve heard something different because he went until he came and I just sat naked in the backseat while he drove me back to the school and said “we should do this again sometime”. And I had five showers that night and I scratched at my skin so hard to try and rip his fingerprints off of me, I still have the scars.
And I found out soon afterwards that that same guy had raped a classmate of mine, 5 months earlier and she told me about how he brought her McDonald’s first, and how he said they could take things slow and she told me about how he didn’t listen to her either. And he goes to our school and so after she told me about her incident and I told her about mine, we decided to report it to the police and the trial is currently still going on and he told people about it, except in his version we are just “asking for attention” and all his friends talk about how bad they feel for him. As if HE is the one that still wakes up screaming. As if HE felt like his skin no longer was beautiful, no longer belonged to him.
And I held her in my arms as she bawled after giving the police her statement. And she did the same for me.
And I met a woman a year ago in a paint store and she had a service dog and I asked what the dog was for and it turns out that she had been so brutally raped and abused in her life, that the dog is literally trained to keep men away from her.
And I’m so FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF THIS WORLD WE ARE LIVING IN. How many rape victims eyes have I already looked into? How many more will I? And how many more friends will I hold while they shake? Because I don’t know how many more I can take. And who the fuck still has the nerve to make rape jokes? And… Something just has to change. Please, someone just start being that change.
-16 year old girl
Did I reblog this already I dont care
Reposting this a a victim of sexual abuse from my brother
Reblogging as a victim of rape by a close friend.
Reblogging because my sister, mother, and friends have all been used without permission.
Reblogging because it’s not just men. I was assaulted by a girl when I was 12.
Reblogging because no one deserves to have their innocence or self worth dragged out of them like that.
Reblogging because I was assaulted by my best friend when I was 11 and now I can’t even deal with people being to close to me. But also reblogging because this can happen to anyone. I love you all and if anyone wants to talk, my DMs are open.
Reblogging for my best friend friend who was drugged and raped in her house by her “friend” and who has since found two other victims and was able to encourage them to come forward to build a case against him. Reblogging for the fact that his friends post on social media that they can’t wait for justice to be served and for their rapist friend to walk free.
Reblogging for all Rape victims
Reblogging for my friend who was raped by a guy when we were 14.
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
okay so i just got my dream job??? a week after applying to it?? and now i’m thinking….maybe this is the good luck post
…..not even six hours later i got an offer of a well paying full time long-term job with free room and board in queens in nyc, allowing me independence and a way to escape an abusive situation and an unhealthy environment
likes charge reblogs cast, folks, this is the good luck post
I think my favourite part of the Thor trilogy is how at the end of dark world we saw this
And we all just went “OH SHIT!!! LOKI’S KING!!! EVERYONE’S FUCKED!!!” But then Ragnarok rolled around and it turns out all he does is
Watch plays of himself and
Build big statues like hot damn the avengers really wasted a whole movie tryna stop this bitch when they could have just written him a play and built him a statue and he would’ve been satisfied
He also built rails on the bridge so people would stop falling off of it.
All the man wants is some entertainment and basic safety.
I’m really thankful Bohemian Rhapsody ended in ‘85, and not ‘91. Queen and Freddie continued to make music and perform after liveAid but I’m glad the movie stopped there. I’m glad that it didn’t showcase how his illness made him deteriorate. There’s good stories about how he was such a badass while facing it, but as the movie stated; he wasn’t AIDS’ poster boy.
Freddie was more than a man who was sick, he was a legend. There will never be another Freddie Mercury.
-the trailer for the Elton John movie played before and I lost it in the middle of the theater
-Littlefinger as their manager was great but I couldn’t help but think of Littlefinger being the manager and kept expecting Ned Stark to pop up to be betrayed
-Roger doesn’t lock himself in a cupboard but they still have him throwing a fit over I’m In Love With My Car
-him throwing a fit over that song is great and the fact that it’s a running joke is even better
-the Hot Space argument was amazing
-I didn’t know that Roger was sent to be a dentist which is hysterical to me
-the cut from the rooster to “Galileo!” was perfectly done and the entire theater lost our shit at that bit
-when Mike Meyers’ character said that nobody would headbanger in a car to Bohemian Rhapsody there was an awkward closeup on him and honestly I’m glad they cast him for that because that joke was great
-Deaky in general was great
-all of them were perfect for the roles and the way they looked and spoke and aced was UNCANNY
-Freddie and Mary were so sweet and heartbreaking because they both obviously deeply cared for each other and seeing them break up was heartbreaking
-Freddie getting a room for each of his cats is a whole ass mood
-Roger was insanely quotable and easily had the biggest one-liners
-Jim and Freddie were adorable and I loved watching them
-Live Aid was just powerful
-Roger hating Top of the Pops was relatable and hilarious but also hurt my soul hearing the plastic drums because those weren’t even good plastic drums
-on that note how did the BBC even have the budget to afford those fake things posing as fake instruments? How???
-Seeing Freddie figure out he was bi hit super close to home for me because that’s a lot how I slowly came to the conclusion that I was bi and seeing Mary’s reaction to him telling her hurt because that also was how some people close to me reacted
-But by God hearing him say, “I think I’m bisexual” was healing for so many reasons one of them being I looked up to him for a good long while and having people erase his bisexuality and his relationship with Mary in favor of making his story that of a gay man was so hurtful and having a movie about him produced by two of his closest friends show him being bi and saying that he’s bi made his reality more public and it was super satisfying to see and hear for someone who realized she was bi around the same time she fell in love with Queen and Bowie it was great
-I wish we could’ve seen them recording with Bowie but we can’t have everything
-it was great and I look forward to seeing it again because I am and I will